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Located at 10 Benning Street, Suite 10 West Lebanon

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Home » Contact Lens Rebates

Contact Lens Rebates


Don't forget your annual supply benefits towards prescription glasses and non prescription sunglasses.  When you purchase your year supply of contacts with us, you will receive $35 towards non prescription sunglasses and $75 towards your prescription eyeglasses.  This offer must be redeemed within 3 months of your contact lens purchase. 


Please follow the instructions at the following sites to redeem your contact lens rebates.  Contact our office if you have questions. 


Woman Contact Eye Finger 1280x480

CooperVision Rebates

Use the following rebate code 19-12118. Please contact our office if you have questions

CooperVision rebate


ALCON Rebates

You will need a rebate form from our office that will have a unique code on it.  If you did not receive a rebate form, you can contact our office to get your code.Screen Shot 2018 06 29 at 9.35.09 AM


Bausch & Lomb Rebates



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